What should I buy before giving birth?

Preparing for the arrival of your baby involves getting a range of essentials ready in advance. Here’s a checklist of items you should consider purchasing before giving birth:

  1. Nursery Essentials:
    • Crib or bassinet with a firm mattress and fitted sheets
    • Changing table or pad with covers
    • Dresser or storage for baby’s clothes
  2. Feeding Supplies:
    • Bottles and nipples (even if you plan to breastfeed, having bottles on hand can be helpful)
    • Breast pump (if you plan to pump milk)
    • Nursing bras and pads (if breastfeeding)
    • Formula (if not breastfeeding)
  3. Diapers and Changing Supplies:
    • Diapers (cloth or disposable)
    • Diaper cream or ointment
    • Baby wipes
    • Diaper bag for outings
  4. Clothing and Bedding:
    • Onesies or bodysuits
    • Sleepers or footed pajamas
    • Socks or booties
    • Hats and mittens (if it’s cold)
    • Receiving blankets
    • Swaddle blankets
    • Burp cloths
  5. Bathing and Grooming Supplies:
    • Baby bathtub or sink insert
    • Soft washcloths and towels
    • Baby shampoo and body wash
    • Baby lotion or oil
    • Baby brush and comb
    • Nail clippers or scissors
    • Baby thermometer
  6. Health and Safety Items:
    • Infant car seat (install it in your car before the due date)
    • Baby monitor
    • First-aid kit (with baby-safe items)
    • Babyproofing supplies (outlet covers, cabinet locks, etc.)
  7. Feeding Chair or Pillow:
    • Comfortable chair for breastfeeding or a nursing pillow for support
  8. Cloth or Disposable Bibs:
    • Bibs to protect your baby’s clothes during feeding
  9. Entertainment and Comfort:
    • Soft toys and rattles
    • Pacifiers (if you choose to use them)
    • Baby swing or bouncer seat
    • Blankets or lovies for comfort
  10. Medical and Health Supplies:
    • Baby nail file or emery boards (to smooth sharp edges)
    • Baby nasal aspirator or bulb syringe
    • Baby-safe laundry detergent
  11. Going-Home Outfit:
    • A comfortable outfit for your baby to wear when leaving the hospital or birthing center
  12. For Mom:
    • Nursing bras and comfortable clothing
    • Postpartum supplies (pads, disposable underwear, etc.)
    • Toiletries and personal care items

Remember, everyone’s needs and preferences are different, so this list is a general guideline. Customize it based on your circumstances, lifestyle, and any specific preferences you have for your baby. It’s also a good idea to have some essentials packed in a hospital bag for your delivery.

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